Thursday, February 14, 2008

Software Development Methodologies and System Analysis

Systems Analysis is a detailed study of the current system that leads to specifications of a new system. The Systems Analysis for the ‘e-shop in a can’ will use an object-oriented approach to enable us to model our entities on real world objects and to help us understand and document their characteristics.

OOA will allow maintainability through simplified mapping to the real world, which provides for less analysis effort, less complexity in system design, and easier verification by the user; reusability of the analysis artefacts which saves time and costs; and depending on the analysis method and programming language, productivity gains through direct mapping to features of Object-Oriented Programming Languages.

Object-oriented vs. Process-oriented analysis

Process-oriented analysis describes systems as a network of interacting processes. It includes descriptions of data used by processes, which are recorded in a data dictionary. This approach often steers the analyst away from studying system components and their interrelationships towards studying how the system might be designed and implemented. It is also difficult for process-oriented analysis to map concepts between a network of processes and objects existing in a real-world system.

As opposed to process-oriented analysis, object-oriented analysis modularizes an analysis document along the same object boundaries that exist in a real-world system. In addition, this approach also organizes all knowledge about each system object in a single logical location in the analysis document. Thus, information about a system object is easier to locate in object-oriented analysis than in other analysis methods. The object-oriented approach also encourages analysts to concentrate on "what" rather than "how", which reduces the temptation to skip prematurely to design. To make it easier to understand information about objects, object-oriented techniques provide forms of abstraction including aggregation, generalization and classification.

Interviews, on-site observation and questionnaire are just some the tools that will be also used for system analysis.

This will make it easier to draw the exact boundary of the ‘e-shop in a can’ and enable us to:

Keeping in view the problems and new requirements

Workout the pros and cons including new areas of the system

During systems analysis we will look at new approaches for designing ecommerce web sites, with an expanded coverage of the graphical user interface (GUI) design with careful attention being made for easy onscreen navigation. The systems analysis will allow us to look at ways of implementing website security and privacy safeguards including firewalls, corporate polices, SSL, etc.

At DOTNUTSHELL, we understand that systems analysis will eventually lead to a risk assessment which will allow us to identify potential risks of the system and enhance resource allocation decisions.

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